Business Skills

Millionaires Sharing Their Best Strategies


Best of 96: Lifestyle Notary Masterclass – The 6 Figure Side Business With Andre Hatchet

By Daray Olaleye | Jul 24, 2020

Andre is a nationally acclaimed entrepreneur and philanthropist.Judy Lichtenberger quit her full time job in record timing. They both control their time, schedule and paycheck.. What else do both of today’s guest have in common? For one, they can get paid $75-$200 per appointment (sometimes more)They can take a whole week off or work 7 days straightThey can…

BTM156: Mortgage Rates – How It Really Works (Post COVID-19) with Aaron Chapman

By Daray Olaleye | May 8, 2020

A veteran with over 20 years of experience working in the finance industry, Aaron Chapman, today’s guest shares his keen insights on financial markets with us today. As a loan originator having closed over 3,000 transactions in the past 4 years, his company ranks #14 and an industry of over 300,000 lenders. With that kind…

BTM154: Q&A with Daray – Affiliate Income, Stimulus Checks, Stuck Overseas, Market Predictions & More

By Daray Olaleye | Apr 16, 2020

After Live Q&A’s on a few social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, I decided to pop open a bottle of wine and answer some of your most pressing questions about real estate and business here in 2020. We covered many topics such as extra income sources during these uncertain times, government relief programs,…

BTM149: Money Advice They Don’t Want You To Know with Chris Miles

By Daray Olaleye | Feb 25, 2020

Chris Miles, today’s guest, is a leading authority on quickly creating wealth by increasing monthly cash flow and creating passive income. He has shown hundreds of thousands internationally how to free up or generate tens of thousands of dollars each year! Chris has been featured in US News, CNN Money, and On today’s show…

BTM136: The Top Real Estate Markets For Investors in 2020 with Jason Hartman

By Daray Olaleye | Nov 19, 2019

The United States offers nearly 400 distinct and diverse markets while most media pundits characterize the “housing market” as if it were a single entity. Real estate cannot be described that simply – It’s just not accurate. There is NO such thing as a United States real estate market. However, there IS an Atlanta, Georgia…

BTM135: Door To Door Sales, Podcasting & Networking with Travis Chappell

By Daray Olaleye | Nov 12, 2019

On today’s episode, I interview an ex door to door salesman and master networker, Travis Chappell. Travis took his door to door sales skill and found a better route for the lifestyle that he wanted through becoming a networking expert interviewing the likes of Grant Cardone and Ed Mylett by building a podcasting platform. Everyone…

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