BTM 97: Good Success in Real Estate & Business (Bonus Episode)

On today’s bonus episode, Daray Olaleye is being interviewed on the Good Success Podcast.

Daray talks about what sparked his initial interest in real estate and how his discontentment at his 9-5 job pushed him to find alternative options to achieve true financial freedom. You’ll learn about the power of perseverance and getting started where you are. Daray will explain house hacking in a way a caveman can do it! Yes, you can get paid to live for free…. And with little to no money down. Lastly, Daray talks about how he leveraged the power of coaching and mentorship to fast track his success in business and life and how he’s now helping others do the exact same thing.


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Lifestyle Notary: Become a Loan Signing Agent and get paid $75-200 per appointment

Before The Millions Workshop: Create and Grow Your Real Estate Portfolio

Before The Millions Mastermind: Expand Your Real Estate Related Business and Life

BTM 90: The American Dream Does Not Build Wealth with Kendra Barnes

Kendra Barnes is on a mission to change the perception of what a Real Estate Investor is supposed to look like by encouraging and empowering millennials to invest in Real Estate. By the age of 30 she owned and managed 7 rental units. No, she did not hit the lottery nor was she left a hefty inheritance. She started out in Real Estate Investment with the goal of building wealth but had no idea what she was doing and jumped in anyways. These days, Kendra and her husband are owners of several investment properties in the Maryland and D.C. areas and educate others on all things real estate.

On today’s episode, Kendra and I discuss the challenges of living “The American Dream” and although she started her journey with a great life how she’s a big advocate for those who start with with nothing. Kendra is a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki but originally got started with no education in the space and just decided to take the leap of faith. Find out more on Kendra’s journey by listening to the interview.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • How to blow past the mental blocks and get started
  • Why the American Dream is not the dream after all
  • How Kendra got started in real estate with no formal education
  • The benefits of house hacking and living for free


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Kendra’s Website

Before the Millions Book:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Listen to this books for free!

Lifestyle Design App:

Marco Polo Video App

BTM 83: Lifestyle Design: A New Money Mindset with Paul Thompson

He used to have a corporate day job. Now he’s a full time real estate investor who lives to help others find their way. Today’s guest, Paul Thompson has created his ultimate lifestyle design using real estate. These days he’s turning his personal journey of securing 20 deals in his first 18 months of investing into an inspirational story for others. Now doing about three deals per month, Paul is able to help himself, as well as helping others build wealth with passive cash flow.


On today’s episode, we talk with Paul about his escape from Corporate America and how he acquires his deals through various networking strategies. We’ll share why creating streams of income is more powerful than just having more money. You’ll learn how anyone can leverage real estate investing to create meaningful wealth without having to have access tons of their own capital. Lastly, Paul shares with us why building piles of money doesn’t lead to wealth. This is a Masterclass on the “5 Things You Can Do Today To Create A New Money Mindset.”


Key Points From This Episode:

  • How you can build wealth with passive income (why it’s not just for the 1%)
  • Knowing how and when to charge what you are worth
  • 5 things you can do today to create a new money mindset
  • Why finding a tribe of like-minded people can set you up for greater success


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Paul’s Website:

Paul’s Favorite Book: The Big Leap

Freebie: Download any 2 audio books for free when you try audible for 30 days: 

Paul’s Favorite Lifestyle Design App: Zapier – Connect the apps you use everyday to automate your work and be more productive 


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Every week, we send an email sharing my best advice, tips and strategies related to Real Estate Investing. Each of these weekly emails contain relevant and actionable information that can help you no matter where you are in your investing journey.

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BTM 69: Who You Need To Become For Entrepreneurial Success with J.Massey

A full-time real estate investor, entrepreneur, popular podcast host, author, speaker, coach and all-around problem solver, J. Massey is well known for providing best-in-class advice and strategies to help new and experienced investors the world over. J.’s platform is simple… He invests his time looking for investment opportunities (a.k.a., problems to solve through real estate transactions), closing deals and teaching others how to find and manage similar opportunities, including getting Deals At Discounts and Raising Private Capital to Investing in Multi-Family Properties, getting leads and negotiating the deal.

By turning his real-world field work into killer training courses, new and seasoned investors alike learn win-win solutions to solve real estate “problems” for buyers, sellers and other investors. J.’s cashflow-creation strategies are embraced on a global scale by people who want to learn better ways to achieve tangible success in real estate investing, and in his words become “bigger, badder, better real estate investors.” J. is currently a landlord, lender, consultant, educator and highly sought mentor. He currently owns hundreds of units of properties and has completed hundreds more real estate transactions across several states.


On today’s episode, we talk to J about his before the millions story and his early days growing up in a military family and living overseas. Being from a military family, J learned how to be adaptable which was key to his later success as an entrepreneur. J shares with us the importance of understanding “simple cash management” practices when starting and growing a business. You’ll learn about the importance of the development and transformation process prior to achieving your goals and dreams for your life. J also shares with us about how he was able to leverage his real estate investments to create more opportunities for other entrepreneurs to achieve financial freedom. Lastly, J give us his advice on how to overcome adversity and the # 1 question everyone must ask themselves when feeling overwhelmed and unfocused.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • How J’s adaptability helped him start his journey as an entrepreneur (runway modeling, college years)
  • Why “passive income” doesn’t mean uninvolved (it still requires active management)
  • Importance of knowing that passive doesn’t guarantee permanent
  • Why you need to become a different person to achieve the goals and dreams you have 
  • Why were you start isn’t always where you stay or end up (The unpredictable entrepreneurship’s journey)
  • The story of how J’s podcast and educational company (Cash Flow Diary) got started
  • #1 question you can ask yourself when feeling off track (Is what you want big enough to keep you focused?)
  • Why you can’t get disconnected from your ability to dream and explore new opportunities
  • Understanding what’s at risk and the dangers of getting too comfortable
  • The choice between whether to be liked vs. being respected in business and life
  • You can’t always look good and learn at the same time (not being afraid to fail fast and often)


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

J’s Website:

J’s Favorite Books:

The Bible

The Science of Getting Rich

Download any 2 audio books for free when you try audible for 30 days.: 

J’s Favorite Lifestyle Design App: Cloze The smart mobile app to track customers, clients, prospects and leads without the hassle of CRM.


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Every week, we send an email sharing my best advice, tips and strategies related to Real Estate Investing. Each of these weekly emails contain relevant and actionable information that can help you no matter where you are in your investing journey.

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BTM 62: The Lifestyle Design Aspect of Passive Income with Ali Boone

Ali Boone is a lifestyle entrepreneur, business consultant and real estate investor, and has literally defined non-conformity when it comes to her career. Ali left her corporate 9-to-5 job as an Aerospace Engineer, despite the “dream job” status that came with it, to follow her passion for being her own boss and creating true lifestyle design. She did this through real estate investing.

Her own real estate portfolio started with pre-construction investments in Nicaragua and then she moved on to investing in turnkey rental properties in various markets throughout the U.S. She managed to invest in her first five properties in 18 months using primarily creative financing. After starting out as a real estate investor just for herself and her own financial benefit, she went on to create her company Hipster Investments which facilitated over $18M in real estate investment sales in its first five years of business.


She’s written roughly 190 articles for the BiggerPockets website, she’s been featured for her writing in Fox Business and The Motley Fool, and she offers hands-on support for new investors and those going through the investing process. She still owns her first turnkey rental properties and she is also a co-owner and the landlord of a local property to her in Venice Beach.

Her primary focuses revolve around passive income and passive investment options. In addition to running Hipster Investments and working as an active business consultant, she’s a pilot and teaches flying and she can often be found snowboarding, hiking, or volunteering in California prisons. Her ultimate goal is to one day challenge Tim Ferriss to a lifestyle design duel.


On today’s episode we talk with Ali about her journey on becoming an entrepreneur and real estate investor. Ali shares with us how she knew real estate was the right path for living the life of her dreams. Ali knew that she didn’t want to fix and flip homes and decided to focus on the passive income side of real estate. You’ll learn how reading the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book changed Ali’s mindset to start thinking like an entrepreneur instead of an employee.


We also talk about the many benefits of having a lifestyle design and how to achieve it using passive income from various investments. Ali shares with us her first deal in real estate (mistakes made, lessons learned, etc.) and gives some great advice for college graduates and other professionals on how to get started. We also talk about the importance of knowing the difference of working in your business vs. owning a business. Lastly, we discuss how Ali spends her days as a location independent entrepreneur and what it took for her to finally live the life of her dreams. 


Key Points From This Episode:

  • Ali’s journey from being in the corporate world to living life on her terms as a real estate investor and entrepreneur
  • The importance of having a great real estate network of people to help you along your journey
  • Why investing in real estate is key to having lifestyle design (living life on your own terms)
  • The REAL benefits of lifestyle design and how you can achieve it in your life
  • The #1 thing Ali would say to millions of people that would be a game changer
  • Breakdown of Ali’s first real estate investment and how she turned that experience into a profitable thriving business today
  • Advice for every college grad and corporate professional on how to achieve lifestyle design using real estate and becoming an entrepreneur
  • The story of how Ali met a guy on a rooftop and what she saw that change her entire life and mindset
  • Difference between working in your business vs. owning a business
  • Importance of understand the mindset of an employee vs. entrepreneur
  • Why self-awareness is key to success and how being patient led her to prosperity in real estate 


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Ali’s Website: Hipster Investments

Ali’s Instagram:

Ali’s Favorite Books:

The Four Hour Work Week

Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Ali’s Favorite Lifestyle Design App: Instagram


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Every week, we send an email sharing my best advice, tips and strategies related to Real Estate Investing. Each of these weekly emails contain relevant and actionable information that can help you no matter where you are in your investing journey.

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