BTM137: NFL Players Transition From Employee to Entrepreneur

The transition from employee to entrepreneur can be one of the most difficult things to do in your life. It seems as though you are leaving a life of stability to a life of uncertainty.

But in today’s day and age, more and more of us are see the writing on the wall. Our safe and secure job is not a safe as we’d like to believe.

In this episode I decided to use the NFL industry to study football players and their transition to normal life (and for the savvy, to an entrepreneurial life). Almost 80% of NFL players go broke with 2 years of leaving the league. Why is this? Could there be some parallels between our transition from a W2 job to Real Estate?

Today we study the do’s and don’t when setting up your financial future, lifestyle design future and the world after being a lifelong employee.

Download our real estate guide & take your free newbies assessment here!

BTM 36: Buy Your 1st (Next) Real Estate Investment: The 12 Step Process

Buy Your 1st (Next) Real Estate Investment: The 12 Step Process.

In this episode we walk through the exact steps that I teach my coaching students to ensure that they close on their first property this year. I know you are thinking that this is too good to be true – but believe it! I want to make sure that as many people who are looking for a process to follow are equipped with the know how to purchase their first rental investment in 2018.

Here are the steps:

1. Real Estate Literacy

2. Goal Setting (SMART Goals)

  • Lifestyle Goals
  • Financial Goals
  • Real Estate Investment Goals

3. Choosing A Market

  • Types of Markets
  • Growth Market
  • Stable Market
  • Declining Market
  • Top-Down Approach
  • Economic Factors
  • Real Estate Factors
  • Regulator Factors
  • Local Market Factors
  • Investing Locally or Remote

4. Analyzing Deals

  • In Depth Analysis
  • General Rules of Thumb
  • 50% Rule
  • 2% Rule
  • 70%Rule

For steps 5 through 12 along with 1-4 above, we have created a detailed 12 Step Process write up for your ease…

Simply click here to opt in our newsletter where the detailed 12 Step Process will be one of the first emails that you receive as we’ll be emailing you the best tips, tricks and strategies weekly to help you on your investing journey.


Links mentioned in the show:

Daily Audio Bible

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (Physical Copy)

2 Free Books Today on Audible

4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

One on One Coaching with Daray


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