BTM206: Unconventional Land Development Business Models with Cody Bjugan

Today’s guest, Cody Bjugan, has a been developing raw land and residential homes for the past 20 years.

His land developing model is rather unique. Instead of the traditional land development deal or land flipping deal, Cody find off-market raw land with development potential and take it through the steps (entitlement and political approvals) to sell it to homebuilders. Being involved at the beginning of a land deal but only in on a sliver of the process has allowed Cody to create 7 figure returns on some deal.

Today we sit down with Cody to discuss this unique business model and exactly how it works.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Cody’s outlook on purpose, impact and fulfillment
  • Examples of political approvals
  • Why Cody stopped doing horizontal construction on his deals
  • How Cody is making 10X returns and 7 figure exits
  • Value-Add on land deals

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Cody’s Website

Recommended Book:

The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey

Listen to this book for free with Audible!

Lifestyle Design App:

Microsoft Teams

BTM 39: The Ultimate Guide To Land Investing with Mark Podolsky

Today’s guest, Mark Podolsky, has been buying and selling raw land full time since 2001. After starting with only $3,000, gust-wrenching fear, and absolutely no real estate experience, he bought a few parcels of land and the hit the ground running.

Today Mark is the owner of Frontier Properties, a very reputable and successful land investing company. By focusing on working smart,not hard, he has completed over 5,000 land deals with an average ROI of over 300% on cash flips, and over 1,000 on the deals he sells with financing terms.

Escaping solo-economic dependency changes Mark’s life in so many positive ways that he decided to teach and coach so on today’s show he does just that for our audience. You don’t want to miss this one!


Links mentioned in the show:

Rich Dad Poor Dad




Daily Audio Bible


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