BTM206: Unconventional Land Development Business Models with Cody Bjugan

Today’s guest, Cody Bjugan, has a been developing raw land and residential homes for the past 20 years.

His land developing model is rather unique. Instead of the traditional land development deal or land flipping deal, Cody find off-market raw land with development potential and take it through the steps (entitlement and political approvals) to sell it to homebuilders. Being involved at the beginning of a land deal but only in on a sliver of the process has allowed Cody to create 7 figure returns on some deal.

Today we sit down with Cody to discuss this unique business model and exactly how it works.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Cody’s outlook on purpose, impact and fulfillment
  • Examples of political approvals
  • Why Cody stopped doing horizontal construction on his deals
  • How Cody is making 10X returns and 7 figure exits
  • Value-Add on land deals

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Cody’s Website

Recommended Book:

The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey

Listen to this book for free with Audible!

Lifestyle Design App:

Microsoft Teams

BTM186: Lifestyle Design Virtual Deals with Australia Based Investor Alicia Jarrett

As a global real estate investor, Alicia Jarrett, today’s guest knows all about lifestyle design. Based in Australia, she’s been able to build her portfolio and flipping business in the U.S. with a virtual team doing (practically) all of the heavy lifting.

On today’s show, we cover a wide array of topics from the difference between investing in North America vs. Australia and other international countries to the team of realtors, contractors, title companies and virtual assistants that allow Alicia to do virtual deals from a yacht in Croatia or the snow in France. Over time her preference has went from flipping single family homes to flipping vacant land and we’ll dive into all of the details here on today’s show.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Australian Real Estate vs. U.S. Real Estate
  • The market cycles of the flipping business
  • Why land can be a more attractive investment
  • Effectively building a virtual team
  • How important the right realtor can be for your success
  • Contractors and Virtual Investors.. The good, bad and ugly


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Alicia’s Website

Recommended Book:

Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

Listen to this book for free!

Lifestyle Design App:

Time Buddy – Time Zone App

BTM176: 16,000 Land Deals Using No Debt with Steven Butala and Jill Dewit

Imagine building a 24 million dollar business without any leverage or debt. Sounds insane right? Well not to our guest on today’s episode. To date, Steven Butala and Jill Dewit have done over 16,000 land deals since 1999 and don’t plan on letting up soon.

On today’s episode, it’s only right that we do a deep dive into their business as well as the tools and systems that allowed their business to scale to the multimillion dollar mark. We discover the land secrets that most investor don’t want you to know. If you’ve ever been interested in land flipping then this episode is for you.

App discussed on today’s episode: Offers to Owners, Real Quest Pro, Data Tree, Neighbor Scoop, and Pat Live.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Steven and Jill’s Website

Recommended Book:

Showing Up for Life by Bill Gates Sr.

Listen to this books for free with Audible!

Lifestyle Design App:

Microsoft Outlook

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Cash Flow from Land Program