Latest Episodes
BTM156: Mortgage Rates – How It Really Works (Post COVID-19) with Aaron Chapman
A veteran with over 20 years of experience working in the finance industry, Aaron Chapman, today’s guest shares his keen insights on financial markets with us today.As a loan originator having closed over 3,000 transactions in the past 4 years, his company ranks #14 and an industry of over 300,000 lenders. With that kind of…
BTM155: The Goal Setting Workshop with Rod Khleif
Building over 24 businesses in 40 years, Rod Khleif, today’s guest, has seen what success and failures and tough times are all about. He has remarkably recovered from losing 50$MM in the 2008 cash. Rod brings incredible authenticity and insight in real estate, business, success and life to today’s show. Being one of the country’s…
BTM154: Q&A with Daray – Affiliate Income, Stimulus Checks, Stuck Overseas, Market Predictions & More
After Live Q&A’s on a few social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, I decided to pop open a bottle of wine and answer some of your most pressing questions about real estate and business here in 2020. We covered many topics such as extra income sources during these uncertain times, government relief programs,…
BTM151: Real Estate Investing In A Crisis (The Coronavirus Episode) with Neal Bawa
COVID-19 is the biggest news headline since 9/11. This virus has had and will continue to have massive effects on international markets for years to come. In the meantime, what are real estate investors doing about their property? What are newbie investors doing about getting started? What are home buyers and sellers doing during this…
BTM150: Marriage & Real Estate From The Ground Up with Kevan and Ayesha Shelton
Kevan and Ayesha Shelton are real estate investors and educators who focus on ground up development properties. Their businesses consist of Park Street Development, a residential and commercial construction company, K&A Consulting, an education, and training organization, Icon Short-term rentals and The Marriage and Real Estate Podcast. On today’s show we discuss the dynamics of…

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