BTM 10: Power of Thought Leadership – 3 Million Downloads and Counting with Joe Fairless

Real Estate mogul Joe Fairless is the founder of Fairless Investing and currently owns almost $170 million in real estate. He designs his life so that he can spend time pursuing his passions and purpose. His life’s purpose is helping people achieve financial success. Joe believes that when he helps other achieve financial success, they too can use their time to pursue their own passions and purpose. However, before following his dreams, Joe worked paycheck to paycheck, and eventually started investing in learning more about real estate while working a full-time job in advertising. He went to seminars, read books, and received mentorship from people who had done what he wanted to do. By the time he left advertising in December 2012, Joe owned four single family homes that produced monthly income. It wasn’t enough to live off of but it sure helped out, considering he no longer had a job.
On today’s show, Joe shares with us not only about his real estate ventures, but also about his world famous podcast, The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show, also known as The Best Ever Show. Joe’s podcast is the world’s longest running daily real estate podcast, and he is a top podcaster in the business world. Today we dive into how Joe actually came from humble beginnings, more about his thought leadership platform, and how it has helped him grow his audience.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Why Joe left his full-time job, despite being the youngest VP of a New York City advertising agency.
- How to know when your job is not right for you, and the importance of doing work that matters.
- How Joe got started on his entrepreneurial journey and cultivated his thought leadership platform.
- What it means to sample life experiences and learn from top achievers.
- How Joe used standup comedy to improve his public speaking.
- Why being yourself and opening up to others, creates much stronger relationships.
- The importance of a life coach and how they impact your entrepreneurial journey.
- How Joe shifted his mindset and tactics to find success in the podcasting realm.
- The strategies Joe used to grow his podcast to over three million downloads.
- Understanding when do push on and put in more effort, despite a lack of results.
- The importance of consistency, not only in work, but in your daily routine of life.
- Find out more about how Joe structures his goals in 5 and 10 years terms.
- How living in the same apartment for 9 years before the millions got Joe to where he is today.
[spp-tweet tweet=”“The more you are yourself, the more magnetic you become.” — @joefairless “]
[spp-tweet tweet=”“We live in an instant gratification culture and it’s sort of ridiculous how we don’t put in the work.” — @joefairless”]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Joe Fairless —
Joe’s book – Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever
Before the Millions Resources Page
Before the Millions Facebook Group
Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young’s book, The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes are High and Audio Companion
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