BTM 11: Custom Suits & Pressure Washing but it’s really Branding with André Phillipe van den Broeck

On today’s show we welcome Andre P. van den Broeck, the founder and CEO of Gleam Bin Cleaning and Pressure Washing Services and André Philliipe, a mens custom tailoring company. That company has actually won multiple award in the Dallas, Fort Worth area, including Dallas’ A-List award for Best Gentleman’s Clothing and four months later he signed a contract with a 2.5 billion dollar company. André is a creator of things and connector of people and opportunities. He creates new brands and breathe life into brands who need it. He specializes in defining the tone, pace, voice and narrative of brands and help get that message out to the world.
André connects dots for businesses and individuals alike. He lives to make make these connections because he believes we are all only a hand shake away from the next level. In today’s episode we figure out how he came up from his beginnings. This talk is inspirational and it speaks to the notion of persevering and seeing your vision through all the way to the end.
Key Points From This Episode:
- André takes us back to the beginning and how he got started in business.
- Hear how André’s parents getting a divorce impacted a clear change in his life.
- Learn how André started a cleaning business to make extra money.
- Find out how André got into his entrepreneurial mindset through hard work.
- Understand why André moved away from the business because of time constraints.
- Discover why André started a real estate company that sold brand new homes.
- How he lost everything, spending all of his money and what he did to recover from it.
- Learn how André got into creative recruiting and why that was a major catalyst.
- Find out how working in advertising got André on the path to where he is today.
- André explains how he started André Phillipe Menswear through his own experience.
- Understand how the André Phillipe brand grew and started winning awards.
- Hear André’s experience through the process of branding himself and growing the business.
- Advice for structuring partnership in a business, and avoiding crucial mistakes.
- Learn why it’s important to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
- How Gleam came about through André’s experience with a trash can.
- Find out what’s on the horizon for André and his businesses.
- Discover why Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich, is a book André recommends.
- How André sacrificed relationships, perception, money and time to get where he is.
- Why success is a three step process, and how you can implement it in your own life.
- Discover why failure is only an option for people who choose failure as an option.
[spp-tweet tweet=”“I could sell it, but I couldn’t execute against it. That was the downfall of it.” — @apvstyle “]
[spp-tweet tweet=”“Whether you’re hiring employees or bringing on a partnership, set the expectation that you’re not just working together, you’re doing life together.” — @apvstyle”]
[spp-tweet tweet=”“It’s not about what kind of business am I starting; it’s do I feel like I can start a brand and accelerate past the competition?” — @apvstyle”]
[spp-tweet tweet=”“Failure is only an option for people who choose failure as an option.” — @apvstyle”]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
André Phillipe Menswear on Twitter
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
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