BTM171: Escape the High Wage Earning Trap with Dr. Jeff Anzalone

High income earners are the most privy to financial mistakes, contrary to popular belief. This is why a professional making 500k a year and a professional making 50k a year can both live a “broke” lifestyle. At the end of the month, both are drowning in debt, neither have anything left over and the higher earner isn’t much happier.
On today’s episode Daray interviews Dr. Jeff Anzalone (between surgeries) who lays out solid advice for anyone embarking on the process of getting out of debt and into passive cash generating assets.
Key Points From This Episode:
- How high-income earners can use real estate to invest passively
- Properly setting up a game plan to pay off debt efficiently
- What every professional can and should be doing to lower their taxes
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Recommended Book:
The Bible
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
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