BTM 44: Recession Proof Investing After a 2008 Cataclysmic Crash with Kevin Bupp

The Crash is coming! So they say. There’s no real way to actually know if we are facing a crash soon. What we do have is historical data and people with experience who’ve weathered the storm and have lived to tell about it. Today’s guest, has done just that losing everything he worked so many years for in just a few short months.
Todays guest, Kevin Bupp, is a Florida-based Real Estate Investor, top iTunes podcast host and serial entrepreneur with over $40 million of real estate transactions. His extensive investment experience spans the gamut of apartment buildings, single-family homes, office buildings, raw land, condos and his favorite and by far the most profitable for him, Mobile Home Parks.
We touch on this extensively and why Kevin thinks these parks are such good investments. More importantly we discuss his experience with the crash and lessons learned so that you can avoid those same pitfalls if we do in fact have another pending crash looming above us.
Lastly, I’d like to leave you with this. Wealth is rightfully yours and ready for the taking – so much so that God himself has already ordained it. If this confuses you then be sure to listen to this episode and I’ll discuss it further in the Tip of the Week!
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P.P.S Live Q&A this Thursday @ 1pm CST! —–>>>> click here to join
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