BTM 52: Turnkey Rentals and Done For You Investing with Marco Santarelli

Marco Santarelli purchased his first real estate investment at the age of 18. He successfully handled the entire rehab and property management of his first property without ever taking a course or reading a book on the subject. Marco is an investor, author, and founder of Norada Real Estate Investments — a national real estate investment firm offering turnkey investment property in growth markets nationwide.
On today’s show, we discussed how Marco got his start in real estate and what inspired him to start his company, Norada Real Estate Investments. You’ll also learn the importance of educating yourself on real estate, asking the right questions and taking action. Marco talks about why real estate is a great place to create and store long-term wealth. In the episode, you’ll learn what turnkey investing is and the pros and cons of active vs. passive real estate investing.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Why you should never pursue an investment only for the money
- Importance of investing in assets that you understand
- The 5 key benefits of using real estate as an investment vehicle
- What first time investors need to know about turnkey investments
- Lessons learned about building a real estate portfolio of 84 properties
- The difference between being an active vs. passive real estate investor
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Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode
Marco Websites: Norada Real Estate & Passive Real Estate Investing
Favorite Books: Think & Grow Rich & Rich Dad Poor Dad
Favorite App: Audible
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