Latest Episodes
BTM149: Money Advice They Don’t Want You To Know with Chris Miles
Chris Miles, today’s guest, is a leading authority on quickly creating wealth by increasing monthly cash flow and creating passive income.He has shown hundreds of thousands internationally how to free up or generate tens of thousands of dollars each year! Chris has been featured in US News, CNN Money, and today’s show Chris and…
BTM148: The Screening Process for Profitable Tenant Buyer Strategies with Paul Ritter 🙂
BTM147: How To Buy Properties For Cash Flow With No Money Down
If you’ve ever questioned one of those no and low money down real estate strategies… Questions like: Do they really work? Are they as complicated as they sound? Could I possibly do that instead of waiting for my finances to get right? If you find yourself nodding your head to any of those questions, then…
BTM146: Profit 1st, the 20-Hour Work Week & a 4-Hour Body with Rocky Lalvani
Health, Wealth and Time Freedom wrapped up with a bow in 1 jam-packed episode… You may believe that building wealth as an investor is all about about putting aside money for vacancy, repairs, and long term capital improvements, so the funds are there when you need them — this is 100% true and we’ll discuss…
BTM144: Flipping Probates, Short Sales, Follow Up Marketing & Key Metrics with Jason Roberts & Rachel Schneider
Jason Roberts and Rachel Schneider have always been fascinated by the world of real estate. In 2001, while still in their early 20’s, Jason and Rachel decided that instead of working for someone else, they would rather be in charge of their own destiny and opened a mortgage company. They eventually built that business into…

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